Supertet Vacancy 2023: नमस्कार साथियों अगर आप भी उत्तर प्रदेश में सुपर टेट भर्ती निकलने का इंतजार कर रहे थे तो आज आप सभी के लिए बहुत बड़ी खुशखबरी जारी हो चुकी है जी हां इस बार 198000 से ज्यादा भर्तियां निकलने जा रही है और अगर आप भी 2024 में एक सरकारी शिक्षक बनना चाहते हैं तो यह भर्ती आपका सपना पूरा कर सकती है और आप सभी को सुपरटेट भर्ती 2023 की पूरी जानकारी नीचे बताई जा रही है तो अंत तक इस पोस्ट को पढ़े और जितने भी छात्र सुपरटेट भर्ती की तैयारी कर रहे है उनके पास भी इस पोस्ट को शेयर करे।
Supertet vacancy Latest News: यूपी सुपर टेट भर्ती पूरी जानकारी
The Uttar Pradesh government has taken a historic decision to conduct Super Teachers Eligibility Test (Super TET) for 198,000 vacancies in 2023. This announcement has provided a new horizon for individuals aspiring to become teachers across the country. Super TET is a tough exam designed to select highly qualified and competent individuals. The main objective of this examination is to evaluate academic skills, subject knowledge, and teaching ability.
Up Super Tet Latest News: सुपरटेट परीक्षा बड़े बदलाव
The application process for Super TET 2023 will start from 20th July 2023 and online applications will be accepted till 3rd August 2023. The exam will be conducted on 2nd October 2023.
Following are the eligibility criteria for Super TET 2023:
Candidates must have Bachelor’s degree in Education or related subject areas from any recognized university.
Candidates age should be between 21 to 40 years.
Candidates must be able to write and understand English.
There will be two papers in Super TET 2023:
Paper 1: Academic Skills and Teaching Aptitude (50 Marks)
Paper 2: Subject Knowledge (100 marks)
Each paper will be of 2 hours and each paper will have multiple choice questions.
Supertet vacancy Today News: सुपरटेट भर्ती प्रक्रिया 2023
Candidates who are successful in Super TET 2023 will be considered eligible for the post of teacher in primary and upper primary schools. This examination provides an important opportunity for aspiring teachers to get a government job. Despite its difficulties, success can be achieved with good preparation. the Super TET examination has been a crucial milestone for aspiring teachers in Uttar Pradesh. As 2023 unfolds, the air is thick with anticipation, yet the official notification for the Super TET exam remains elusive. While rumors and speculations have been circulating across various platforms, the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) has maintained a stoic silence, leaving aspirants in a state of suspense.
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