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CTET Good News Today: सीटेट जुलाई परीक्षा तिथि जारी, शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा कटऑफ कम 2 नए नियम लागू हुए पूरी जानकारी

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CTET Good News Today: नमस्कार दोस्तों, सीटेट परीक्षा यानी केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा, सभी छात्रों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षा है। यदि आप इस बार सीटेट परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं और ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर चुके हैं, तो यह पोस्ट आपके लिए खास है।

आपको जानकारी दे दें कि सीटेट परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए आपको इसकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट ctet.nic.in पर जाना होगा। इस बार सीटेट परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों की संख्या में वृद्धि होने की संभावना है, और यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि इस साल, पिछले सालों की तुलना में आवेदन करने वाले छात्रों की संख्या दोगुनी हो सकती है।

CTET July Exam 2025 News

केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा जुलाई महीने में आयोजित की जाएगी, और यह परीक्षा इस बार अधिक महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती है, क्योंकि इस परीक्षा के बाद लगभग 3 से 4 लाख सरकारी शिक्षक की भर्तियां जारी की जा सकती हैं। अगर आप इस परीक्षा को पास कर लेते हैं, तो आप इन भर्तियों के लिए आवेदन करने के पात्र होंगे।

अगर आप सीटेट परीक्षा से संबंधित ताजगी और सटीक जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो आप हमारे व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप से जुड़ सकते हैं। इस ग्रुप में हम आपको सीटेट परीक्षा से संबंधित नोटिफिकेशन और विभिन्न राज्यों में होने वाली शिक्षक भर्तियों की जानकारी सबसे पहले प्रदान करते हैं।

इसके अलावा, यह भी बताया जा रहा है कि इस साल केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा पैटर्न और सिलेबस में कुछ बदलाव हो सकते हैं। हर साल परीक्षा में कुछ न कुछ नया देखने को मिलता है, और इस बार भी कुछ बदलाव की संभावना है। खासकर, सीटेट परीक्षा का कट-ऑफ घटने की संभावना जताई जा रही है, जिससे ज्यादा उम्मीदवार इस परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त कर सकेंगे।

CTET July Exam 2025 Apply 

The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is an important national level exam conducted for candidates who wish to become teachers in government schools. This exam is especially for teachers at the primary and upper primary level. The CTET exam is conducted twice a year, in July and December.

Follow the following steps to apply for CTET July 2025 exam:

  • Visit the official website: First of all visit the official website of CTET ctet.nic.in.
  • Click on the registration link: Find the “CTET July 2025 Registration” link on the homepage and click on it.
  • Make a new registration: If you are applying for the first time, click on the “New Registration” option and fill in all the required information.
  • Log in: After completing the registration process, you will receive a registration number and password. Log in using these.
  • Fill the application form: Now fill in your personal information, educational qualification and other required details in the application form.
  • Upload documents: Upload a scanned copy of your recent photograph and signature.
  • Pay fee: Pay the application fee through online mode.
  • Download confirmation page: After payment, download the confirmation page and take a print out of it for future use.

By following these simple steps you can easily apply for CTET July 2025 Exam.

The CTET exam is conducted in two papers:

To appear for the CTET exam, candidates must have passed class 12th, diploma or graduation examination with a minimum of 50% marks.

  • Paper 1: It is for those candidates who wish to teach children from class 1 to 5.
  • Paper 2: It is for those who intend to teach students from class 6 to 8.

CTET Educational Qualification

Candidates who are successful in CTET Paper-1 are eligible for teacher posts from class 1 to 5, while candidates who are successful in Paper-2 are considered eligible for classes 6 to 8.

  • CTET Paper-I (Primary Education): Candidates must possess a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education with 50% marks from a recognized university or institute or they can be studying in the final year of this diploma.
  • CTET Paper-II (Upper Primary Education): Candidates must have a graduation degree and also have a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or they can be studying in the final year of it.

CTET Minimum Passing Marks:

On clearing the CTET exam, candidates receive a CTET certificate, which makes them eligible to apply for teaching posts in government institutions like Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya (NVS).

  • General Category: At least 90 marks out of 150 (60%)
  • SC/ST: 82 marks out of 150 (55%)

CTET July Exam Preparation

The CTET exam consists of two papers: Paper-I and Paper-II. Both these papers are multiple choice questions. Following are the tips to prepare for the exam:

  • Make a good study plan: Cover all the topics according to priority by making a systematic study plan and utilize the time properly.
  • Solve previous question papers: Solving previous years question papers helps in understanding the exam pattern and type of questions. It will also increase your speed and accuracy.
  • Take Mock Tests: Taking mock tests will give you a proper assessment of your preparation and identify your weaknesses. It will also help you to handle exam pressure and manage time.
  • Revise regularly: Revise regularly so that you can remember everything you read. Make time for revision in your study plan.
  • Keep a positive attitude: Keep a positive attitude towards the exam and appear for the exam with confidence.
  • Take care of your health: Take care of your physical and mental health, eat healthy food, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
  • Time Management: Time management is very important in the exam. Fix a fixed time to solve each question and try to solve all the questions within the time limit.

Thus, with the right preparation, dedication and time management, you can get success in CTET exam.

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